The Mediators Beyond Borders International—Turkey Regional Group (MBBI—Turkey), founded in 2018, is a non-political, volunteer initiative with no financial ties to any national or international political organizations. The group started by experienced Turkish mediators from diverse backgrounds with the vision to improve dialogue within the society and peace within the region through its collaboration with NGOs, companies, state organizations, and universities.

With a population of 80 million, Turkey is considered one of the fastest growing economies in the world and certainly the biggest in the Middle East considering its population and wealth. Leveraging its location, the group has members from various cities like Istanbul, Izmir, Adana, and Ankara. MBBI-Turkey focuses on crucial issues relevant to the country and the region such as conflict prevention and resolution, sustainability, refugees and migration, corruption, gender, and youth. Striving to be active in Turkey and Turkish speaking countries such as Azerbaijan, the group aims to bring MBBI’s mission and vision to realizing through partnerships and by providing teaching, coaching, and mentoring.

MBBI—Turkey aims to raise awareness about the benefits of peer mediation, reconciliation, and conflict prevention in addition to ethical standards of conflict resolution methods such as impartiality of mediation.

Group Updates


Meeting details will be posted soon.
For more information, please contact MBBI—Turkey at

MBBI—Turkey Coordinating Committee

  • Deniz Kite Güner, Chair
  • Selen Berna Ünlüatlı, Vice Chair
  • Hülya Sapmaz, Vice Chair
  • Tufan Uz, Secretary
  • Arda Akıncı, Treasurer
Deniz Kite Güner
Deniz Kite GünerChair
Selen Berna Ünlüatlı
Selen Berna ÜnlüatlıVice Chair
Hülya Sapmaz
Hülya Sapmaz Vice Chair
M. Tufan Uz
M. Tufan UzSecretary
Arda Akıncı
Arda AkıncıTreasurer